Higher education bonds: public debt limitation increased -  SB352
Metallic mineral mines or mine waste disposal facilities: bond required for certain remedial action  - AB1101
Subcontractor and supplier claims on construction project payment bonds; prime contractor defense of action on construction liens -  AB941
Subcontractor and supplier claims on construction project payment bonds; prime contractor defense of action on construction liens -  SB498
Tax exemption for bond interest revised [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3399em, 9348 (4x); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: further revisions, 3320p, 3321g, 3323p, 3330b, 3399er, jr, 3404jm, 3406m, 3405g-r, 9348 (4tmt), (7c), deletes 9348 (4x)] -  AB150
bonds _ countyBonds — County
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans  - AB597
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: S&L investment authority, charges and fees, absorption and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation; A.Amdt.2: conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L]  - SB349
bonds _ municipalBonds — Municipal
Child care center financing: bonding authority extended; requirements revised -  SB121
Revenue bonds to refund municipal obligation: authority expanded re public utility or public transportation system [Sec. 49-51] -  AB935
Revenue bonds to refund municipal obligation: authority expanded re public utility or public transportation system [Sec. 49-51] -  SB565
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans  - AB597
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: S&L investment authority, charges and fees, absorption and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation; A.Amdt.2: conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L]  - SB349
bonds _ schoolBonds — School, see School — Bonds
bonds _ townBonds — Town
Child care center financing: bonding authority extended; requirements revised -  SB121
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans  - AB597
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: S&L investment authority, charges and fees, absorption and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation; A.Amdt.2: conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L]  - SB349
bonds _ villageBonds — Village
Child care center financing: bonding authority extended; requirements revised -  SB121
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans  - AB597
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: S&L investment authority, charges and fees, absorption and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation; A.Amdt.2: conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L]  - SB349
bong, richardBong, Richard
Postage stamp commemorating Richard Bong requested -  AJR44
Postage stamp commemorating Richard Bong requested -  SJR24
USH 2 bridge between Superior (WI) and Duluth (MN) marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge"  - SB260
boot immobilization device for vehiclesBoot immobilization device for vehicles, see Motor vehicle — Parking
borum, robert lBorum, Robert L.
$125,000.00 disability claim - AB363
bottled drinking waterBottled drinking water, see Beverage
bovine tuberculosisBovine tuberculosis, see Animal — Disease
breadBread, see Food
breast cancerBreast cancer, see Disease
breast_feeding child in publicBreast-feeding child in public, see Maternal and infant care
breathalyzerBreathalyzer, see Implied consent
CTH ``HH" bridge across Wisconsin river in Portage county: construction funding -  AB1094
High-cost bridge program [A.Sub.Amdt.2] - AB557
Main street bridge repair in Green Bay [A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
STH 441: certain bridge across Fox river in Outagamie county designated and marked ``Fox Valley Connection Bridge"  - SB657
USH 2 bridge between Superior (WI) and Duluth (MN) marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge"  - SB260
briggs and stratton corporationBriggs and Stratton Corporation
Dislocated worker assistance: funding sources modified; revisions re 1995 WisActs 27 and 119 - AB986
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9116 (7gg)]  - AB150
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  AB201
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  SB92
brown countyBrown county
Circuit court branches: number increased -  SB232
Submerged land conveyance to Brown county re 1985 WisAct 185: provisions revised -  SB133
brown, ronald harmonBrown, Ronald Harmon
Life and public service - AJR96
Budget bill  - AB150
Budget bill (AB-150): party caucus deliberations open to the public -  AR26
Budget stabilization fund: appropriation provided; statements re property tax relief and two-thirds vote to withdraw moneys from fund -  AB730
Charter school establishment by U.W. Regents and CESAs; pupil transportation and pioneering partners grants provisions - AB950
Charter school establishment by U.W. Regents and CESAs; pupil transportation and pioneering partners grants provisions - SB560
Corrections funding re general program operations, intergovernmental agreements, county jail payments, state prison industries and purchase of goods, care and services; DOC to charge counties for youth services -  AB933
Corrections funding re general program operations, intergovernmental agreements, county jail payments, state prison industries and purchase of goods, care and services; DOC to charge counties for youth services [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, secure work program authorized, Wisconsin resource center funding, property tax relief fund and bonding authority] - SB563
DOT budget information requirements re system redesign cost savings [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9155 (4mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 9155 (5) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
DOT budget information requirements re system redesign cost savings -  AB402
DOT budget information requirements re system redesign cost savings [original bill only] -  AB557
Milwaukee parental choice program: private school provisions re governing board and DOE monitoring of financial condition - SB564
Private attorney and investigator reimbursement: SPD appropriation increased -  AB934
Private attorney and investigator reimbursement: SPD appropriation increased -  SB562
Special order of business for AB-150 -  AR25
State agency appropriation increase requests and positions of employes on agency policies: laws revised  - AB126
State budget compilation and report contents revised -  AB854
State government operation revisions -  AB935
State government operation revisions -  SB565
Transportation appropriations and state finances -  AB402
Transportation appropriations and state finances -  AB557
Zero-based budgeting requirements for state agencies created [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 288p, q]  - AB150
Capitol and historic monument view preservation: JLC to study state and federal laws; statutory change recommendations required -  AB403
Clean indoor air law revised and expanded -  SB127
Historic agricultural building grant program created -  AB51
Historic buildings: unauthorized demolition prohibited -  SB145
Historic preservation regulatory ordinance requirement for city or village repealed -  AB807
Safety and buildings laws administration and enforcement transferred from DILHR to DOD [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Public safety"]  - AB150
Safety inspections and advisory services: civil liability immunity expanded; negligent inspection actions revised  - SB499